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Associazione Italo-Americana

November 16, 2020 - 18:30 - History of the Present Series and Patrick McCarthy Memorial Series on Intellectuals and Politics

BOOK PRESENTATION - European Integration: A Political History
Mark Gilbert, Author: Johns Hopkisn University SAIS, Italy

hosted by Professor Mark Gilbert

Vincent Della Sala
Discussant: University of Bologna, Italy

Supported by the Associazione di cultura e di studio italo-americana Luciano Finelli Friends of the Johns Hopkins University

This book is the standard for concise histories of the European Union. Mark Gilbert offers a clear and balanced narrative of European integration since its inception to the present, set in the wider history of the post-war period. Gilbert concludes by considering the Union's future in light of the mood of crisis that has taken hold in the EU in the aftermath of the global recession, the refugee crisis, and Brexit.


Mark Gilbert is Professor of History and International Studies at the Johns Hopkins University SAIs Europe.

Gilbert was educated (B.A. hons Politics, 1983) at Durham University and was awarded a PhD in contemporary history by the University of Wales (1990). Before joining SAIS, he was associate professor in contemporary history and international studies at the University of Trento and lecturer in European studies at the University of Bath. He began his academic career as assistant professor of political science at Dickinson College. Gilbert has been Associate Editor of the Journal of Modern Italian Studies since 2015. He served as Chair of the 2018 Cundill Prize. He is currently working on a book entitled The Birth of Democracy in Italy: A Political and Social History, 1943-54. The book will be published by Penguin/Allen Lane, Rizzoli and W.W. Norton in the summer of 2023.

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Associazione Italo-Americana
Luciano Finelli
"Friends of the Johns Hopkins University"

Via Andreatta, 3
40126 Bologna


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